Lachstatar mit Passionsfrucht auf Buttermilchvinaigrette im Restaurant Bismarck in BiberachEin Martini Dry in der Bar des Bismarck in BiberachHausgemachte Kalbsmaultaschen in Bratensauce mit zweierlei Zwiebeln im Restaurant Bismarck in Biberach.Ein klassischer Lillet Berry in der Bar des Bismarck in Biberach.Lachstatar mit Passionsfrucht auf Buttermilchvinaigrette im Restaurant Bismarck in Biberach

Welcome to Bismarck

Modern restaurant with bar in Biberach

Opening hours

Montag - Samstag


Monday - Saturday 06 - 10 pm
Monday - Wednesday 12 am - 2 pm
Thursday day off
Closed on public holidays


Monday - Thursday 05 pm - midnight
Friday - Saturday 05 pm - 01 am
Closed on public holidays

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday 18:00 - 22:00
Monday - Wednesday 12 am - 2 pm
Thursday rest day
Closed on public holidays

Monday - Thursday 17:00 - 24:00
Friday - Saturday 17:00 - 01:00
Closed on public holidays

Motivated to do something new. Craftsmanship and high quality with attention to detail. Enjoyment and good taste. Hospitality and a sense of well-being - that's what matters to us.


is delighted to be able to offer you everything you need to enjoy a compact and delicious lunch break or a marvellously extended evening with all kinds of delicacies. On our menu you can expect flavourful and regional dishes, e.g. from the category: "Regional specialities", alternatively you will also find Mediterranean and unusual variations from our unique chef Lev in our restaurant in Biberach. In this way we want to ensure that everyone feels at home in the Bismarck. We always emphasise selected suppliers and high-quality ingredients.

Gegrillte Garnelen auf Gurken-Gazpacho mit einem Glas Champagner im Restaurant Bismarck in Biberach.